Sunday 3 June 2012

Comic Life Assignment

Using Comic Life create a visual text that explains the transference of energy in a food chain or the steps in the water cycle

Click here for a rubric to assess the assignment.

Click here to be moved to a web site to download comic life

Click here for instructions on how to use Comic Life

Video Tutorial on Comic Life


  1. Hi Wanda,
    You blog is really great and well laid out. I especially liked your groups section on "Comic Life". We have been using this program for the past few weeks in grade three and they love it. I am going to show them your blog tomorrow at school. Great job!

  2. Wanda, Leanne, and Wejkwapniaq,
    Thank you for sharing Comic Life. My daughter's Grade 7 French teacher totally inspired her with the use of this program (an inspiration that was not an easy feat). I may have to check it out for my own purposes.

  3. I love the program. It connects really well with the rise in popularity of graphic novels.
